The concept of practicing gratitude is a way of experiencing a positive change in life. Your ability to look at the good and appreciate and acknowledge that part of your life. People often make the mistake of thinking that it is something we do in addition to our regular activities. But gratitude is not something […]
Familiar with the term- life coach? You have probably heard it in conversation or know someone who has one.. What is a life coach? What do life coaches do? Who needs a life coach? Do you? How can they really help?In this post, I will be looking at the answers to these questions and more! […]
The word “self-confidence” is simple to understand yet not so easy to feel. , We often talk about this theme without understanding its true essence of it. So, what exactly is self-confidence, and why is it important? And how do you build it? This article gives you the answers to these questions and more. What […]
Leadership is a mindset. Being a leader is not about a position. You can lead your friends, family, colleagues or even your pets. It also means you begin with leading yourself by making decisions and taking action. Leadership is a broad subject and the leadership definitions are many around the world. Here are 7 definitions […]
Communication is a skill we put in use every single day of our life. While it is important across all areas of life, it’s a key skill to hone at the workplace. Effective communication is a 2 way street – what we say and how the receiver, receives the message… You may be surprised to […]
My learnings from my last journey.1st February 2018, I stepped foot into this amazing Kitchen space – pursuing my passion for food (not cooking, strictly eating and being a Punjabi, feeding). I entered as a fresher, to take care of Business Development and Events. Having some background in events, I was, I can say, only 10% […]
As this decade comes to an end, nostalgia hit me as I realized the last 10 years have held many milestones for me, from the 12th grade to college to stepping into the ‘work-life’ and branching out. I decided to take a good look back and went down the memory lane to pen down my 10 learnings from the last decade…
“Adversity makes you relatable to others” I recently attended a webinar of John Maxwell on leading through uncertainty and what stuck to me and got me to write this was this simple quote since we are all in this same adversity today. The world is facing one of the biggest crises it has seen and […]