Practical Ways to Stop under promising and start over-delivering

You’ve heard the expression “underpromise and overdeliver.” When you underpromise, you’re being honest about your capabilities and keeping expectations in check. When you overdeliver, though, you’re being too honest—and setting yourself up for success.  Underpromise and overdeliver meaning: Underpromising means that you promise what is truly possible or realistic. Overdelivering means that you stretch your […]

importance of social communication

Importance of Social Communication: 9 Things you’re forgetting to do

What is the importance of social communication? Social communication is an essential part of any relationship. People communicate for many reasons, such as sharing information, expressing feelings, conveying opinions, making decisions together, and much more. Communication helps us build relationships by understand one another better and hence, forming a connection. Therefore, the importance of social […]