You’ve heard the expression “underpromise and overdeliver.” When you underpromise, you’re being honest about your capabilities and keeping expectations in check. When you overdeliver, though, you’re being too honest—and setting yourself up for success. Underpromise and overdeliver meaning: Underpromising means that you promise what is truly possible or realistic. Overdelivering means that you stretch your […]
Boring, yes. But smart- oh yes. These terms are used interchangeably; complexity is the same as inferiority, although it is also a common excuse for why we can never be good enough at whatever it is we do in life. Both of these words point to a person’s inability to deal with new information or […]
Optimism is a powerful tool for success. It isn’t just about your attitude towards the world around you. It’s also about making decisions based on facts rather than feelings, trusting yourself more than others do, and having faith that things will work out for the best no matter how much hardship may be involved in […]
What do you do when you are feeling stressed out at work? It’s not easybeing part of a world where stress is an inevitable. In this article, I willunlock the methods for corporate stress managementto help you feel better about yourself and happier in your work life—even ifthings aren’t always going well because there are […]
A life coach is a person who helps you create a path to achieve your dreams and goals. They help you set goals you truly want to achieve, identify obstacles that are limiting you and solve problems at every juncture that pokes a spoke at you. A life coach supports you on how to make […]
Our mind is like a computer and like any machine, it can get cluttered if you do not take time to organise it. from time to time. You may get into a cycle where you overthink situations and things happening in your life. Thus, it is one of the main reasons why decluttering is important. […]
What is the importance of social communication? Social communication is an essential part of any relationship. People communicate for many reasons, such as sharing information, expressing feelings, conveying opinions, making decisions together, and much more. Communication helps us build relationships by understand one another better and hence, forming a connection. Therefore, the importance of social […]
Discipline is one of the first things we learn in life. Sleep at a certain time, wake up at a certain time, feel hungry when the clock ticks lunch time and so on…It is a meaningful part of life. It’s one of the key traits that successful people share. Discipline is not just about being […]
The personal development of employees are critical for their professional growth, which is in-turn critical for the health and success of any organization. However, how to get started on growth can be confusing for many. I am here to help you understand the importance of personal development for employees and how it can garner growth. […]
Self-care and self-love, two terms that have profound meaning, however, not deeply understood. So what is self care and self love? How practicing self care and self love help you feel your best? Is self-care and self-love the same? Well, the truth is that while they maybe similar, they are not the same. They do […]