Losing a job can be a challenging experience, not just for the individual but also for their family and loved ones. The job loss may result from several factors, such as downsizing, reorganization, or a shift in business strategy. Organizations who are torn between financial pressures and employee well-being, understand the importance of outplacement coaching […]
Let’s edit this since we are already in the new year. No sentence should beginwith But or And. Out of all, a positive outlook in life is one of the mostimportant things you can do to improve your life. Positivity can help you tomake some of the biggest changes in your life. So how do […]
We live in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) where there is a war between the old way of doing and the new ways of growing.Until 2019 people thrived while working from office. Well, that was really the only way to work. In 2020 when the pandemic hit, we were presented with a […]
Have you ever been to a theater where someone is constantly talking or you hear someone’s phone ring loudly? They don’t make an effort to put their phone on silent? Well, everyone may not be aware of social practices. Here are a few things you need to know about social skills and how to develop […]
I’m sure you have heard the expression WLB (Work-life balance). It refers to the idea that you need to take time out of your day to recharge to be able to be at your best. It can be easy for us to get pulled in to our work or focus more on one aspect that […]
The importance of goal setting in life has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to improve well-being, enhance performance, and achieve success. So why don’t we all do it? It’s not easy to set goals, and we often feel incapable of achieving them. But setting clear and measurable goals can help […]
You’ve heard the expression “underpromise and overdeliver.” When you underpromise, you’re being honest about your capabilities and keeping expectations in check. When you overdeliver, though, you’re being too honest—and setting yourself up for success. Underpromise and overdeliver meaning: Underpromising means that you promise what is truly possible or realistic. Overdelivering means that you stretch your […]
Boring, yes. But smart- oh yes. These terms are used interchangeably; complexity is the same as inferiority, although it is also a common excuse for why we can never be good enough at whatever it is we do in life. Both of these words point to a person’s inability to deal with new information or […]
Optimism is a powerful tool for success. It isn’t just about your attitude towards the world around you. It’s also about making decisions based on facts rather than feelings, trusting yourself more than others do, and having faith that things will work out for the best no matter how much hardship may be involved in […]
What do you do when you are feeling stressed out at work? It’s not easybeing part of a world where stress is an inevitable. In this article, I willunlock the methods for corporate stress managementto help you feel better about yourself and happier in your work life—even ifthings aren’t always going well because there are […]